I build security automation tools and scanners at CloudSEK. I read, write, and talk about developer tooling, distributed systems and software engineering. Please email to collaborate or to chat.

Weeknotes 18

A curated list of articles, tools and resources which I found interesting

Weeknotes 17

A curated list of articles, tools and resources which I found interesting

Weeknotes 16

A curated list of articles, tools and resources which I found interesting

Weeknotes 15

A curated list of articles, tools and resources which I found interesting

Saying No

Sharing quotes from articles.

Solving The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges (Set 1 - Challenge 6-8)

Logging my process of solving the cryptopals challenge

LRU Cache with Expiry in Python

Code snippet implementing LRU cache with expiry in python

Enums with Attributes in Python

Code snippet implementing enums with attributes in python

Solving The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges (Set 1 - Challenge 3-5)

Logging my process of solving the cryptopals challenge

Weeknotes 14

A curated list of articles, tools and resources which I found interesting